Jl. Raya ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia
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Eko Henfri Binugroho, M.Eng.

NIP. 197912232003121002

Daftar Publikasi

Teleoperated Food and Medicine Courier Mobile Robot for Infected Diseases Patient

I. A. Sulistijono, M. Rois, A. Yuniawan, E. H. Binugroho,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2021

Keywords : Mobile Robot, COVID-19, Logistic Delivery Task, Holonomic Mobile Robot

Currently, much medical personnel died because of being infected by COVID-19 and because of low personal protective facilities and the duties of medical personnel that must carry out to deliver the logistics to patients and make many contacts between the medical personnel and patients of COVID-19. Mobile robots are considered the right solution to complete this problem. With mobile robots, hospitals or the place of isolation can minimize contact between medical personnel and patients of COVID-19 by carrying out the logistic delivery task. To deliver the logistic, a mobile robot must have low-level control, and the mechanism to carry out the workpiece also have the mechanism to open the door. The mechanism to carry out the workpiece is a system to pick up and place the rack of logistics from one place to another. In this study, the low-level control was applied using a PID control with the parameter's value $\boldsymbol{k}_{\boldsymbol{p}}=500,\boldsymbol{t}_{\boldsymbol{i}}=0.001$, and $\boldsymbol{t}_{\boldsymbol{d}}=0.001$ and teleoperation to control the mobile robot manually, so the mobile robot was able to move and carry out the load with the maximum value is 13 kg also open the door. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the mobile robot with the proposed low-level control and the object management system can do the delivery task to reduce contact between medical personnel and patients of COVID-19, also the mobile robot can be controlled manually.

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Implementation of the Bresenham's Algorithm on a Four-Legged Robot to Create a KRPAI Arena Map

A. Darmawan, A. F. Ilham Suparman, A. H. Alasiry, E. H. Binugroho, Z. Nasution, G. A. Prasetyo,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2021

Keywords : KRPAI, Maps, Four-legged Robot, Odometry, Bresenham's algorithm

Kontes Robot Pemadam Api Indonesia (KRPAI) is a division of the Robot Competition in Indonesia whose mission is to extinguish fires according to the rules of the Trinity College International Fire Fighting Robot Contest (TCIFFRC) in Hartford, United States. The robot is placed in one of the 4 rooms randomly and is required to find a fire then extinguish it and return to the room where the robot is placed. The ability of robots to be able to carry out missions perfectly often fails because of the disturbance of obstacles in the room, do not know the pose of the robot when outside the room. A map is very important so that the robot knows its position in space and the distance of the robot from obstacles. Therefore, the focus of this research is not only on simulations but also on direct map-making to dynamically moving four-legged robots. The odometry method on the four-legged robot is used for routing and localization algorithms in making maps. Bresenham's algorithm is implemented in the map creation process. The results of the test and analysis show that a 1 mm grid map to a 5 mm grid map can describe parabolic-shaped obstacles, and the average error cell value for corridors, door widths, and walls is 0.92 cells.

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Wall Following and Obstacle Avoidance Control in Roisc-v1.0 (Robotic Disinfectant) using Behavior Based Control

Y. Sadewa, E. H. Binugroho, N. Hanafi, I. Dadet Pramadihanto, A. Fauzi, A. Purwanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2021

Keywords : Behavior-Based Control, Obstacle Avoidance, Omniwheel Mobile Robot, Potential Field, Wall Following.

A robot that can move independently is an essential aspect towards replacing humans in hazardous work conditions. This paper shows the development of a mobile robot called ROISC-v1.0 (Robotic Disinfectant), which executes the sterilizing procedure in the room using UV light with a wavelength of 222nm. The goal of this study is to create a wall-following navigation system with obstacle avoidance capabilities. The modeling of the behavior-based control method is used in the application of a navigation system, including wall following and obstacle avoidance so that the mobile robot can modify linear and angular speeds based on the course of motion. Behavior-based control is used to eliminate the robot's reliance on its work area conditioning. To identify the distance between the robot and the wall, as well as the existence of obstacles in the robot's work area, the ROISC-v1.0 robot uses array of 12 Lidar sensors type VL53L0X. As a result, the robot navigates successfully to follow the contours of the wall and avoiding static and dynamic obstacles. When there are no obstacles in the way, the ROISC-v1.0 robot can perform optimally and efficiently in a 4.5m x 2.8m work area with an average robot travel time of 73.4 seconds and an average robot distance of 880.4 cm. With an average travel time of 109 seconds and a distance of 1052.4 cm, the robot can perform optimally and efficiently in regions where there are obstacles. The VL53L0X ToF sensor, which uses light waves in the transmission process and has an average inaccuracy of 0.7cm, allows the robot to read bright objects more accurately. The ROISC-v1.0 robot is hoped to aid medical professionals as the result of this research, minimizing the impact of virus dissemination caused by the sterilization process.

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Quadruped Robot Balance Control For Stair Climbing Based On Fuzzy Logic

A. T. B. Antok, A. Darmawan, A. H. Alasiry, H. Hermawan, E. H. Binugroho, B. S. Marta, I. K. Wibowo, A. Julian, A. F. I. Suparman,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2021

Keywords : Quadruped Robot, Body Balance, Fuzzy Logic, Gait Algorithm, Inverse Kinematic

Robots are a tool that is widely developed today, such as Humanoid, Animal, and others. In this study we discussed about animal robots. One such type of robot is Quadruped Robot. The problem that often arises in quadruped robots is that when performing stunts to be able to walk up or climb a ladder, the robot will not be able to walk with the posture adjusting the slope in the arena. This is due to the effect of earth's gravitational force that results in robots always being attracted to earth. This results in the robot's body losing balance and can accelerate damage to the servo motor due to the robot's unbalanced load. With this problem, this paper makes the control system with Fuzzy Logic place the load position in the middle of the COG (center of gravity) to balance the robot on the trajectory. The balance of the robot uses the IMU (Inertia Measurement Unit) position sensor reference with the reference derived from the angle slope (Yaw, Pitch and Roll) which is processed to adjust changes in the x, y and z axes, so that the robot can adapt to the trajectory of the stairs.

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Walking Trajectory Control for Humanoid Dancing Robot ERISA based on Field Guardrail

P. H. Amrulloh, A. H. Alasiry, E. H. Binugroho, A. Wijayanto, N. F. Satria, D. K. Basuki,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2021

Keywords : Humanoid robot, heading angle, rangefinder, IMU, walking trajectory

Humanoid robots are robots that resemble humans. ERISA robot is a robot made by EEPIS participating in the KRI robot competition in the humanoid dancing robot division. This robot has a mission to walk and dancing in predetermined game field zones. While dance, the walking-trajectory may drift outside the desired zone since there is no feedback for the robot to correct its trajectory. In this research, a VL53L0X rangefinder sensor and an IMU MPU6050 sensor are deployed in the system to measure the robot position against the fence installed in the game field. The sensor is mounted on the side sole in one of the robot legs. The sensor will give the relative distance from the robot to the fence and its absolute heading angle. The footstep distance will be calculated using odometry by using the robot steps and its angle heading. By using walking-trajectory control the robot can move in the desired trajectory relative to the fence, which is used as the guardrail, while the robot walks to the target zone in the game field.

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Position and Orientation Control of Three Wheels Swerve Drive Mobile Robot Platform

E. H. Binugroho, A. Setiawan, Y. Sadewa, P. H. Amrulloh, K. Paramasastra, R. W. Sudibyo,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2021

Keywords : Mobile robot, holonomic motion, swerve drive, multi-level control, position and orientation control

Drive technology for mobile robots is currently developing very quickly, especially for the type of wheeled driven platform. The driving models such as Ackermann steering, DDMR, and Omni-wheel robots have been widely implemented as mobile robot platforms. However, to answer the challenges in the robot contest where the competition is getting tougher, research is needed on a mobile platform that is more efficient, faster, and more precise. In this research, the design and fabrication of a mobile robot platform with a swerve drive model will be carried out. Swerve drive has independent driving and steering at each wheel. This model can provide a higher speed and freedom of maneuver for the robot compared to the DDMR, Ackermann steering, and Omni wheel drive models. However, swerve drive requires a higher number of motors as well as a more complex control algorithm in regulating the speed of the wheel drive motor and the steering angle on each independent wheel to be further controlled simultaneously in moving the robot to the target position and orientation. In terms of the control system, a multi-level control will be made where the low-level control will regulate the speed of the wheel drive and its relative direction to the robot’s body. Meanwhile, high-level control will be used to coordinate the movement of each wheel so that the results can make the robot to move according to the given trajectory.

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ERISA Robot’s Walking Trajectory Control using Pixy CMUcam5 to Locate the Target Position

M. S. Rahmawati, A. Irwansyah, E. H. Binugroho, A. H. Alasiry, N. F. Satria, D. K. Basuki,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2021

Keywords : Humanoid robot, ERISA, Pixy CMUcam5, walking trajectory

The robot contest is one of the fascinating events that drive innovation in robotics research and development. ERISA is a humanoid robot dancing developed by EEPIS students to participate in such a contest. ERISA robot is designed to be able to dance traditional Indonesian dances with agile and attractive movements. ERISA robot has a mission to dance and move from the Start Zone to the Finish Zone. Unfortunately, it is hard to make the ERISA robot stop at the desired zone without rigorous tuning because the walking trajectory in ERISA still uses an open-loop control. Since each field zone in the game field has a different color characteristic, it can be used as the robot’s guidance to assist its walking trajectory. In this research, the Pixy CMUcam5 camera will detect the Finish Zone in the game field and marked it as the target position. Since the robot heading is changing during its movement, an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor is used to correct the projection of the target position. Thus, the location is processed in the form of(X, Y) coordinates, which are used as the reference to control the robot walking trajectory. As a result, the robot can walk towards the target accurately.

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Robust Balancing on One-wheeled Human Transporter Based on Rider's Weight Variation Using PID-AFC Method

M. Albani, E. Mustofa, E. H. Binugroho, E. S. Ningrum,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2019

Keywords : balancing, one-wheeled transporter, PID, AFC

The study on balancing one-wheeled human transporter has previously done before in numerous studies. The main problem discussed in the study of one-wheeled human transporter is its balancing control system. The variation in the weight of the rider of the one-wheeled self-balancing human transporter becomes an important issue to the balance control system. The weight variation of the rider causes the response from the balance of the transporter become unstable. This paper will provide solution to solve these problems. In this paper a method of control system is presented therefore it provide robustness towards disturbance of rider's weight variation. The control method presented is the Proportional Integral Derivative-Active Force Control (PID-AFC). The PID-AFC method has the advantage of being able to provide robustness to disturbance in a system. This paper will seek for evidence that the PID-AFC can provide robustness towards disturbance, this method is compared to PID method. The experiment was carried out through a simulation with various rider's weights. After the experiment, it was found that the PID-AFC method is able to provide a better balance and provide robustness toward the disturbance of rider's weight variation on one-wheeled human transporters.

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eROV: Depth and Balance Control for ROV Motion using Fuzzy PID Method

E. H. Binugroho, W. Ab, M. I. Mas'udi, B. Setyawan, R. S. Dewanto, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2019

Keywords : ROV, PID Controller, Fuzzy Logic, depth control, stability control, disturbance

Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) plays an important role in the exploration of underwater objects for observation of marine life, oil and gas exploration and rescue. In underwater diving, a variety of factors can influence the movements carried out by ROV such as water flow, water waves, water pressure, etc. Control of balance and depth in the ROV are important factor in carrying out various missions ROV found it in the form of water flow and water waves. PID controller is still ineffective due to the nonlinear nature of the ROV and therefore this paper proposes to add a Fuzzy logic controller to deal with the nonlinearity in the ROV. With a combination of PID and Fuzzy controller, the ROV is able to balance while making the diving and maneuvering moves despite receiving interference in the water. Using the proposed controller, the ROV is able to respond well with respect to disturbances in attitudes and depth motion control scenarios.

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Static and Dynamic Analysis of eROV Mechanical Design using CFD

E. H. Binugroho, B. Setyawan, Wafiqqurochman, R. S. Dewanto, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2019

Keywords : CFD, Hydrodynamic, fluid flow, ROV body design, pressure, drag force

Technological innovations in the marine field have developed rapidly in the last decade. One of it is the innovation in the technologies related to the underwater research and exploration. It has been driven by the need of the a flexible, reconfigurable, and reliable machine for underwater operation termed Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). The ROV development has opened up many opportunities in the observation and exploration of underwater environment. The most important aspect in the ROV is the flexibility of motion during the maneuver in the water. The mechanical structure and also the static and dynamic analysis is very important aspect in designing ROV related to its operation environment. This paper proposes ROV body design based on analysis characteristic hydrodynamic and buoyancy effect using CFD. The characteristics of each fluid flow affect the motion of the ROV which movement is driven by the thrusters. The hydrodynamic characteristics and buoyancy effect will be analyzed. The result will be used in the further mathematical calculations in the controller design phase.

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Speed and Balancing Control of Two Cables Pulley-Gripper System for Delivery Drone

H. A. Pratama, R. Sanggar Dewanto, M. L. Baidhowi, D. Pristovani Riananda, R. Syah, D. Pramadihanto, E. H. Binugroho,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2019

Keywords : Gripper, speed control, ballancing control

The important thing that should be consist on delivery drone is landing speed and dropping object with smoothly. For the two cables and two motor pulley system, balancing control are use to balancing the cable that carrying the gripper, while the speed on landing system are controlled. The main advantage to build the system are using balancing PID controller with cable length input and speed control to makes the pulley automatically landing and pulling the object. The object can be land smoothly with speed control, and the cable will be in stable parallel position when the pulley are rotating with balancing control. To detect the object height, we use the proximity sensor and calibrating with rotary encoder. In this paper, we have installed the speed and balancing control on the two cables pulley-gripper system for delivery drone. The final result, the pulley can be land the box smoothly from 4 - 5 meters distance and stable the cable distance with error less than 2 cm respectively.

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Body Balancing Control for EILERO Quadruped Robot while Walking on Slope

Z. Nasution, A. F. Ilham Suparman, G. A. Prasetyo, A. H. Alasiry, E. H. Binugroho, A. Darmawan,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2019

Keywords : Quadruped Robot, Inverse Kinematics, Body Balance, Walk on Slope

A robot is a tool that has been developed rapidly today. One type of robot is a Quadruped robot. The problem that often arises in this 4-legged robot is when carrying out an action to be able to walk in the inclined plane or slope on the rule that has been set in the Indonesian Fire Extinguisher Robot Contest referring to the Fire, Fighting Robot Contest Trinity, USA. Kinematic inverses and normal gait patterns such as crawl gait can be used to make the robot balance the body when on a certain slope. But this method alone will result in robot movements less flexible and can accelerate the damage to each servo motor due to unbalanced robot load and causes too much time to act. This paper implements PID control that uses its current attitude as the feedback in balancing the robot on the slope. IMU (Measurement Unit Inertia) is used as the robot attitude sensor which provide the roll, pitch, and yaw Euler angle data of the robot. Then the pitch data from this sensor will be processed to adjust the change on the z axis for each front leg and the rear leg and thus the robot can adapt to run on a slope.

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Development of the Gait Planning for Stability Movement on Quadruped Robot

G. A. Prasetyo, A. F. I. Suparman, Z. Nasution, E. H. Binugroho, A. Darmawan,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2019

Keywords : Crawl Gait, Quadruped, Stability Movement

Legged robot has an increasing attention from researchers in this recent year in the form of humanoid or animaloid robot. One of the animaloid robot type is quadruped. this paper will discuss about crawling gait planning that will be proposed on a Quadruped robot. This gait is expected to be able to maintain the balance of the robot pitch and roll angle movement when walking. The trajectory planning used in this case is linear translation and sinusoidal shaped gait trajectory. In this study, there are no obstacles and just walk on a flat terrain. This study focuses on the gait trajectory generation and timing adjustment to minimize the rolling and pitching movement of the robot while walking. This study will not only show the simulation, but also the implementation results of the crawling-gait planning to the robot.

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Forward Kinematics with Full Body Analysis in "T-FLoW" Humanoid Robot

R. D. Pristovani, B. EKo Henfri, S. Dewanto, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2018

Keywords : forward kinematics, homogenous transformation, humanoid robot, robotics

The main parameters to generate and calculate dynamics system models is position of each joint from its origin position. This paper describes about full body calculation position of each joint based on system design of "T-FLoW" humanoid robot using forward kinematics (FK) analysis. The FK analysis is used to transform the rotational value (degree) of each joint into position vector (cartesian space) of each joint. FK analysis in each joint is combined step by step from its origin until reach the last joint number (end of effector - EoE). The result from this combination is position vector of each joint from its origin. From the result shows the full body FK analysis with homogenous transformation method is represent the real pose of T-FLoW humanoid robot. This full body joint position vector is used to complete the dynamics system model calculation of T-FLoW humanoid robot.

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eROV: Preliminary Design of 5 DOF ROV using 6 Thrusters Configuration

E. H. Binugroho, R. Sanggar Dewanto, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2018

Keywords : 5 DOF ROV, multi-thrusters, mechanical design, kinematic model, dynamic model

Recently, innovation in the technologies has been driven by the need of a flexible, reconfigurable, and reliable machine for under water operation termed as Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). Development of the ROV has opened many opportunities for exploring and make the better understanding of our underwater environment. Degree of freedom is an important aspect in ROV in enabling the flexibility of the movement during its maneuver underwater. This paper proposes the design of a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) with 5 DOF using multi-thrusters configuration. Since the horizontal movement of the proposed ROV needs more flexibility, thus in this design 4 thrusters are situated to handle movement of the ROV in the horizontal plane, and the remaining 2 thrusters are handling the vertical plane movement. To get better understanding about the underwater environment, several sensors are needed to be deployed in the ROV. The proposed ROV design already accommodates the sensors planned to be installed in the vehicle when designing the mechanical model of the ROV. Finally, the proposed mechanical design and the dynamic model of the ROV have been presented for its future development process.

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