Jl. Raya ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia
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Dr. Ferry Astika Saputra

NIP. 197708232001121002

Daftar Publikasi

FLoW bipedal robot: Hula hoop motion

R. H. Ruci, B. A. Putra, D. Pramadihanto, E. H. Binugroho, R. S. Dewanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : Bipedal, Hula hoop, D-H Parameter, Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, Support polygon

In this paper, we described a model and a simulation of forward and inverse kinematics of a parallel link leg performing a predefined hula-hoop motion of FLoW, a bipedal humanoid robot. This lower body leg having 12 DOF links and joins configuration were described using D-H parameters. It was assumed that the motion is slow enough. Thus, by keeping the centre of mass projection to the floor to be always inside the support polygon of the robot the system can be regarded as stable.

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Beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor network performance

M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid, F. A. Saputra, Z. S. Hadi, A. Fahmi,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2013

Keywords : Wireless sensor network, beacon-enabled, CSMA/CA, topology

One application considered for IEEE 802.15.4 standard Low Rate-Wireless Personal Area Network (LR-WPAN) is wireless sensor network and control application that is centered on the performance of IEEE 802.15.4 standard for star and cluster topology. This study conduct performance comparison of beacon-enabled mode on star and cluster topology IEEE 802.15.4 standard by analyzing the result of throughput, delay, and energy consumption in order to get the maximum result to apply the appropriate topology model as needed. We conduct analysis on each topology model by using the numbers of nodes from 10 nodes to 100 nodes to analyze throughput, delay, energy consumption, and probability success packet. The simulation results show that the lifetime node and throughput of cluster topology are higher than that of star topology.

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