NIP. 198203082008121001
Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015
Keywords : NetSA, Matagaruda, SiLK, IDS
Matagaruda is an Intrusion Detection System Application Framework. It provides four capabilities: seeing not only attacking phase, learning the local traffic and generating local rules, adapting the framework programming and reducing false alarm by using intelligence. In this research we develop a new features called Network Situational Awareness which represent the seeing capabilities in Matagaruda. This research creates 4 features supports in web-based and interactive user interface. We use two attacking scenarios: SQL Injection and DOS for testing purpose. We found that our module meets the requiment of network situational awareness implementation.
Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015
Keywords : Wireless Sensor Network, Guranted Time Slot (GTS), Multihop, Castalia
IEEE Standard 802.15.4 Low Rate-Wireless Personal Area Network (LR-WPAN) is a network of wireless sensor and control applications that focused on the performance of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard provides a guaranteed time slot (GTS) mechanism to allocate a specific duration within a superframe structure for applications requiring specific data bandwidth to minimize the waste of channel bandwidth. This study compare the performance of GTS on multihop topology using the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. We model the topology multihop by analyzing a given node based on the GTS to get maximum results. We compare GTS based on the number of GTS from 1 to 7 GTS. After conducting tests on the topology via the GTS comparison, the data obtained will be used as a comparison between the number of GTS. The final results show that the topology multihop with a ratio of 1 to 7 GTS has different results. With the resulting data we also know the advantages and disadvantages of each of these parameters using the GTS. Then, we choose GTS equal to 3 for all nodes, which show higher results in terms of packet received per node, probability of successful packet, latency, and energy consumption.