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Kalman filter for angle estimation using dual inertial measurement units on unicycle robot

S. E. Radin Charel, E. H. Binugroho, M. A. Rosyidi, R. S. Dewanto, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : Inertial Measurement Unit, Kalman Filter, Unicycle Robot, Placement sensor

The Inverted pendulum platform is an example of classic unstable control system. Even though the system has been fairly tested and documented, it still draws attention of many researchers due to its application in unicycle robot. In the unicycle robot, there are problems that arise control strategy in the reading position of the robot tilt. This paper proposes to use the Kalman Filter Estimation angle for data processing Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to obtain estimates of the robot tilt position. In the previous study also found problems when using only one relatively low speed IMU sensor obstacles that the response given by the sensor. This paper uses two IMU sensor readings to speedup the response of the sensor and get accurate data during a shorter period. The proposed algorithm uses a new sensor placement strategy on a rigid body robot, with a reading sensor in interleaved mode. Kalman Filter algorithm incorporating placement constraints to achieve the estimated position of the robot tilt angle accurately. The results show synchronization time sampling of the two Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor improves the response and a twice faster in estimating the position of the robot tilt compared to the use of one sensor. Merging time sampling 2 sensors can be applied on a unicycle robot in order to have a quick response to the reading of the tilt position of the robot.

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Trajectory dancing modelling of humanoid robot dancing 33 degree of freedom

B. Abror, A. R. A. Besari, K. H. A. Subkhan, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : humanoid robot dancing, abdominal motion system, primitive pose

This paper described about humanoid robot dancing which designed like human and can dance like the real dancer with flexibility of human dancer. Part of link and frame of this humanoid robot dancing was built from 3D printing technique. Dance movement will be resemble the motion system possessed by humans which design of robot seize on mechanical approach, and will be controlled by a motion program to be included in the motion system. Humanoid currently developed to resemble human beings, including the shape of human skeleton and their functions. During this period, humanoid robot dancing rare develop a complex system of abdominal motion system. Therefore, withdrawn hypothesis presence of abdominal motion system can improve their existing motion systems. Some possible methods used in these systems, such as inverse kinematic, and forward kinematic. Trajectory dancing style rise from two kinds of kinematic. Inverse kinematic will controlled any motion of leg motion system. This system will hand over degree value in joint space as output. Position in Cartesian coordinate space as input. Timing control for every step from primitive style is needed. Therefore, actuator of ankle will not burden in execution of working because it will hand over some smoothness in every single last step in execution. Forward kinematic controlled abdominal motion system and give Cartesian coordinate space as output. From that method we were successfully built trajectory dancing modelling of humanoid robot dancing.

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Neuro-based controller for push recovery behavior under external perturbations in biped robot

A. A. Saputra, A. S. Khalilullah, D. Pramadihanto, N. Kubota,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : Biped robot, MRNN, neuro-based controller, push recovery behavior

This paper presents neuro-based push recovery controller applied in humanoid biped robot in order to keep the stability with minimum energy required. There are three motion patterns in human behavior when it gets external perturbation, those are ankle behavior, hip behavior, and step behavior. We propose the new model of modular recurrent neural network (MRNN) for performing online learning system in each motion behavior. MRNN consists of several recurrent neural networks (RNNs) working alternately depending on the condition. MRNN performs online learning process of each motion behavior controller independently. The aim of push recovery controller is to manage the motion behavior controller by minimizing the energy required for responding to the external perturbation. This controller selects the appropriate motion behavior and adjusts the gain that represent the influence of the motion behavior to certain push disturbance based on behavior graphs which is generated by adaptive regression spline. We applied the proposed controller to the humanoid robot that has small footprint in open dynamic engines (ODE). Experimental result shows the effectiveness of the push controller stabilizing the external perturbation with minimum energy required.

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FLoW-Linux: Virtualization distribution scheme for fault tolerant and system enhancement

I. Mukhtar, A. Widianjaya, J. M. Saputra, T. Pramudana, A. S. Khalilullah, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : microkernel, virtualization, request, system call, CPU cycle

The development of microkernel has sharply increased. One of the most successful microkernel implementation is L4. L4Linux is L4 version that is able to run virtualized Linux. We have also built our microkernel named FLoW. In this paper we described about our achievement in developing virtualized Linux on top of our FLoW microkernel. We implemented unique design about virtualizing more than one Linux. The idea is about creating more than one Linux to handle the requests made by user application about Linux system call. So every user application that requests the feature of Linux system call will be handled by more than one Linux Service. The result shows that there is an acceleration of processing time. The total CPU cycle used by user application in working with user request are less when having such mechanism. That means our mechanism successfully accelerate around 17% processing time of user application that request Linux system call from within our Linux Service that run on top of FLoW Microkernel. Then the system endurance testing resulted that our system is able to handle around 96 Linux system calls request almost at the same time without break.

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Kinematic analysis of 7 DoF head humanoid FLoW: V-REP simulation

J. F. Hidayatullah, D. Pramadihanto, R. S. Dewanto, A. S. Khalilullah,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : Humanoid Robot, FLoW, V-REP, Transformation, Dynamics, 7 DOF, Parallel Manipulator, Helmholtz, Agile Eye, Gough-Stewart Platform

One of the focus in humanoid robot research is head motion and mechanism, yet it still has a limited pan and tilt motion to represent a real human head movement. This study is working on kinematic analysis of an earlier proposed 7 DOF manipulator system that can closely mimics a human head motion capability. The concentration of the work is to design a head mechanism and to develop a composite kinematics model of the head motions which includes the eyes, the head itself and the neck. Such a model was also simulated using the dynamic V-REP application to verify its movements capabilities and to compare the kinematics analysis. Stages will be discussed in more detail in the chapter on testing. The results showed transformation biggest difference is 2.3340% error that occurred on 3 DOF motion contained in the head manipulator.

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Detecting and blocking onion router traffic using deep packet inspection

F. A. Saputra, I. U. Nadhori, B. F. Barry,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : TOR, anonymity, detection, deep packet inspection

TOR (The Onion Router) TOR (The Onion Router) has been a very popular anonymous proxy service. Since its first usage, TOR has been improved and become a very big network consisting more than 7000 relays. Beside used by journalist, activist, and writer as a tool for their freedom of speech, its highly anonymous service is also used by bot-nets, malware, distributed denial of service attacks, hidden services that sells illegal things, spams, and many more. This paper will explain about a TOR usage detection system by using deep packet inspection to extract and analyze its network traffic. The result of the analysis will be used as a parameter for a proxy server to block TOR traffic in the network. Using this network, detection, and blocking design, we can block the Onion Router Traffic originated from TOR browser.

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Simulating resilient server using software-defined networking

I. Winarno, Y. Ishida,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : resilient server, SDN, self-repair network

Computer (server) becomes an essential part of the information system. However, this server always has a possibility to experience a failure. In our previous study, we involve virtual machine technologies to address the failure that occurs on the server. However, this method only covers the recovery of the server from the perspective of the server itself. Our proposed method is to use the concept of software-defined networking to overcome the failure by involving network devices (e.g., switches). The experiment result shows that the concept of SDN is able to maintain the resilience of the server by interrupting the suspicious traffic.

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Towards an immunity-based approach for preserving energy of data-gathering processes in wireless sensor network nvironments

W. Wibisono, I. G. N. A. Kusuma, Y. Ishida, I. Winarno,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : wireless sensor network, immunity-based system, reactive clustering, data aggregation

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consists of large number of sensor nodes with limited energy and computing resources. These facts have highlighted open problem to prolong the lifetime of sensor nodes while still maintaining the functional roles of WSN in reporting important events to a base station. These papers propose an approach for WSN inspired by the concept of immunity-based system where a set of reactions is performed in the appearance of nonself substances called syndromes. The notion of reactive cluster is introduced where only sensor nodes affected by the syndrome appearances need to perform reactions by establishing clusters among them. Since communication costs significant energy, each sensor nodes as an immune cell need to reduce impacts of the syndromes for itself and other sensor nodes in the routing paths to the sink node. It is done establishing adaptive data aggregation strategies. Depend on the critical level of the corresponding syndrome and error of wireless communications that may occur, the length of the aggregation window is adjusted. We show that the proposed approach shows promising results in minimizing dead sensor nodes, avoiding network congestion while still maintaining the functional roles of WSN in reporting important events to the sink node.

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Portable electrocardiogram sensor monitoring system based on Body Area Network

M. U. H. Al Rasyid, A. A. Pranata, B. -H. Lee, F. A. Saputra, A. Sudarsono,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : Electrocardiogram Sensor, e-Health Sensor, Raspberry Pi, Body Area Network

Nowadays, the use of Electrocardiogram (ECG) as a detection tool of the condition of human heartbeat is still considered difficult. So, the idea of implementing this sensor is to enhance the quality of service and to minimize the cost of using and maintaining by determining the best way in implementing and monitoring ECG sensor. This research proposes a novel approach to observe the condition of human heartbeat using ECG sensor with e-Health sensor and Raspberry Pi, mini single-board computer with robust capability, which acts as central processing unit. Those hardware sets were assembled to collect ECG voltage signals in human body. The signals are transmitted into the device and the data are stored in MySQL database for long-term monitoring access. The experimental results show effectiveness of this approach as it is successfully fulfill the idea of Body Area Network (BAN).

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Implementation of blood glucose levels monitoring system based on Wireless Body Area Network

M. U. H. A. Rasyid, F. A. Saputra, A. Christian,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2016

Keywords : WBAN, e-health monitoring, glucometer, sensor

Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) implements real time health monitoring by outfitting patients with wireless vital sign sensors. One of the parts of WBAN is glucometer sensor which determining the approximate concentration of glucose in the blood. In this paper, we develop glucometer sensor monitoring system based on WBAN by using e-Health sensor (glucometer sensor), arduino uno board, and ZigBee module. The experiment results show that the desktop-based, web-based, mobile-based applications can be used well bu using doctor/nurse to monitor the patient's glucose levels without having to see the patient directly.

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Control for balancing line follower robot using discrete cascaded PID algorithm on ADROIT V1 education robot

E. H. Binugroho, D. Pratama, A. Z. R. Syahputra, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : ADROIT V1, Balancing robot, line follower, cascaded PID

Robotics has been widely used in education as a learning tool to attract and motivate students in performing laboratory experiments within the context of mechatronics, electronics, microcomputer, and control. In this paper we propose an implementation of cascaded PID control algorithm for line follower balancing robot. The algorithm is implemented on ADROIT V1 education robot kits. The robot should be able to follow the trajectory given by the circular guideline while maintaining its balance condition. The controller also designed to control the speed of robot movement while tracking the line. To obtain this purpose, there are three controllers that is used in the same time; balancing controller, speed controller and the line following controller. Those three controllers are cascaded to control the movement of the robot that uses two motors as its actuator. From the experiment, the proposed cascaded PID controller shows an acceptable performance for the robot to maintain its balance position while following the circular line with the given speed setpoint.

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FLoW bipedal robot: Walking pattern generation

N. E. Khomariah, D. Pramadihanto, R. S. Dewanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : FLoW, Humanoid, Bipedal, Walking Pattern

In this paper we described a model and a simulation of walking pattern of FLoW bipedal robot. This kinematics design combined four-bar linkages and translational actuators. Inverse kinematics problem is solved by using trigonometry approach. While walking pattern is made of a superposition between linear and sinusoidal function. The equations is simple and does not required long computation time. So it is efficient to maximize overall process on robot. The stability of the robot is controlled by CoM point which is calculated by multiplying the mass and position of the robot element and keeping it remain in the robot support polygon.

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Smart presentation system using hand gestures and Indonesian speech command

V. A. Wardhany, M. H. Kurnia, S. Sukaridhoto, A. Sudarsono, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : Smart presentation system, hand, gestures, speech recognition

The development of technology for supporting learning system at this time takes place very rapidly. Human Computer Interaction provides users that allows to control presentations in a natural way by their body gestures and voice commands. The authors propose a simple system that can be use to control presentation by using hand gestures and also by using Indonesian speech recognition. Our proposed system consist of gesture recognition with Kinect 3D skeletal data, and utilize Google Speech API to recognize Indonesian language as voice command. In this system we built applications to perform hand gestures and speech recognitions and utilize libraries to perform mouse and keyboard actions in presentation application. From the experiments, hand gestures application can process in realtime with the accuracy more than 90%, and for Indonesian language speech recognition gave accuracy almost 99% with average speed of recognition around 1 second.

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Movement control of two wheels balancing robot using cascaded PID controller

D. Pratama, E. H. Binugroho, F. Ardilla,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : balancing robot, cascaded PID control, balancing control, distance control

Balancing robot which is proposed in this paper is a robot that relies on two wheels in the process of movement. Unlike the other mobile robot which is mechanically stable in its standing position, balancing robot need a balancing control which requires an angle value to be used as tilt feedback. The balancing control will control the robot, so it can maintain its standing position. Beside the balancing control itself, the movement of balancing robot needs its own control in order to control the movement while keeping the robot balanced. Both controllers will be combined since will both of them control the same wheel as the actuator. In this paper we proposed a cascaded PID control algorithm to combine the balancing and movement or distance controller. The movement of the robot is controlled using a distance controller that use rotary encoder sensor to measure its traveled distance. The experiment shows that the robot is able to climb up on 30 degree sloping board. By cascading the distance control to the balancing control, the robot is able to move forward, turning, and reach the desired position by calculating the body's tilt angle.

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Implementing Network Situational Awareness in Matagaruda

F. A. Saputra, I. Winarno, M. B. Muliawan,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : NetSA, Matagaruda, SiLK, IDS

Matagaruda is an Intrusion Detection System Application Framework. It provides four capabilities: seeing not only attacking phase, learning the local traffic and generating local rules, adapting the framework programming and reducing false alarm by using intelligence. In this research we develop a new features called Network Situational Awareness which represent the seeing capabilities in Matagaruda. This research creates 4 features supports in web-based and interactive user interface. We use two attacking scenarios: SQL Injection and DOS for testing purpose. We found that our module meets the requiment of network situational awareness implementation.

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