Jl. Raya ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia

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Performance of multi-hop networks using beacon and non-beacon scheduling in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

M. U. H. Al Rasyid, F. A. Saputra, M. R. Ismar,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : beacon enabled, non-beacon enabled, IEEE 802.15.4, wireless sensor network, multihop

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a promising technology for many applications, such as industrial, environment, and health-care application. The first requirement of WSN is energy efficiency in order to increase the network node lifetime. The second is reliability because packet drop cannot be tolerated in critical time applications. In this paper, we use NS2 simulation to evaluate and analyze the IEEE 802.15.4 standard in multi-hop WSN with a tree topology base on IEEE 802.15.4. Beacon enabled mode is used slotted CSMA/CA and non-beacon enabled mode is used unslotted CSMA/CA. Performance of beacon enabled and non-beacon enabled were evaluated and analyzed to understand the impact of protocol parameters such as Superframe Order (SO), Beacon Order (BO), and Traffic Load. The performance of the network which have been evaluated in detail are the throughput, energy consumption, end to end delay, packet success probability, drop packets and the percentage of the energy efficiency. The simulation result show that of beacon enabled is better than non beacon enabled in terms of the throughput, drop packet, energy consumption, and energy efficiency.

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Study on implementation of machine learning methods combination for improving attacks detection accuracy on Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

B. W. Masduki, K. Ramli, F. A. Saputra, D. Sugiarto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : intrusion detection system, machine-learning, support vector machine, threat, attack

Many computer-based devices are now connected to the internet technology. These devices are widely used to manage critical infrastructure such energy, aviation, mining, banking and transportation. The strategic value of the data and the information transmitted over the Internet infrastructure has a very high economic value. With the increasing value of the data and the information, the higher the threats and attacks on such data and information. Statistical data shows a significant increase in threats to cyber security. The Government is aware of the threats to cyber security and respond to cyber security system that can perform early detection of threats and attacks the internet. The success of a nation's cyber security system depends on the extent to which it is able to produce independently their cyber defense system. Independence is manifested in the form of the ability to process, analyze and create an action to prevent threats or attacks originating from within and outside the country. One of the systems can be developed independently is Intrusion Detection System (IDS) which is very useful for early detection of cyber threats and attacks. The advantages of an IDS is determined by its ability to detect cyber attacks with little false. This study learn how to implement a combination of various methods of machine-learning to the IDS to improve the accuracy in detecting attacks. This study is expected to produce a prototype IDS. This prototype IDS, will be equipped with a combination of machine-learning methods to improve the accuracy in detecting various attacks. The addition of machine-learning feature is expected to identify the specific characteristics of the attacks occurred in the Indonesian Internet network. Novel methods used and techniques in implementation and the national strategic value are becoming the unique value and advantages of this research.

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Guaranteed Time Slot allocation method for IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network

M. U. H. Al Rasyid, A. Sudarsono, I. Winarno, D. D. H. Rupawan,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : Wireless Sensor Network, Guranted Time Slot (GTS), Multihop, Castalia

IEEE Standard 802.15.4 Low Rate-Wireless Personal Area Network (LR-WPAN) is a network of wireless sensor and control applications that focused on the performance of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard provides a guaranteed time slot (GTS) mechanism to allocate a specific duration within a superframe structure for applications requiring specific data bandwidth to minimize the waste of channel bandwidth. This study compare the performance of GTS on multihop topology using the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. We model the topology multihop by analyzing a given node based on the GTS to get maximum results. We compare GTS based on the number of GTS from 1 to 7 GTS. After conducting tests on the topology via the GTS comparison, the data obtained will be used as a comparison between the number of GTS. The final results show that the topology multihop with a ratio of 1 to 7 GTS has different results. With the resulting data we also know the advantages and disadvantages of each of these parameters using the GTS. Then, we choose GTS equal to 3 for all nodes, which show higher results in terms of packet received per node, probability of successful packet, latency, and energy consumption.

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FLoW bipedal robot: Hula hoop motion

R. H. Ruci, B. A. Putra, D. Pramadihanto, E. H. Binugroho, R. S. Dewanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : Bipedal, Hula hoop, D-H Parameter, Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, Support polygon

In this paper, we described a model and a simulation of forward and inverse kinematics of a parallel link leg performing a predefined hula-hoop motion of FLoW, a bipedal humanoid robot. This lower body leg having 12 DOF links and joins configuration were described using D-H parameters. It was assumed that the motion is slow enough. Thus, by keeping the centre of mass projection to the floor to be always inside the support polygon of the robot the system can be regarded as stable.

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Tilt set-point correction system for balancing robot using PID controller

D. Pratama, F. Ardilla, E. H. Binugroho, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : balancing robot, PID control, center of gravity correction, rotary encoder, IMU

Balancing robot is a robot that relies on two wheels in the process of movement. Basically, to be able to remain standing balanced, the control requires an angle value to be used as tilt set-point. That angle value is a balance point of the robot itself which is the robot's center of gravity. Generally, to find the correct balance point, requires manual measurement or through trial and error, depends on the robot's mechanical design. However, when the robot is at balance state and its balance point changes because of the mechanical moving parts or bringing a payload, the robot will move towards the heaviest side and then fall. In this research, a cascade PID control system is developed for balancing robot to keep it balanced without changing the set-point even if the balance point changes. Two parameter is used as feedback for error variable, angle and distance error. When the robot is about to fall, distance taken from the starting position will be calculated and used to correct angle error so that the robot will still balance without changing the set-point but manipulating the control's error value. Based on the research that has been done, payload that can be brought by the robot is up to 350 grams.

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Effectiveness of bicycle path planning method and pure pursuit method on omni-directional mobile robot

T. A. Bahtiyar, F. Ardilla, B. S. Marta, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : robot, bicycle path planning, pure pursuit, rotary encoder

Research on the control of movement omnidirectional on mobile robots have been much done. On the problems there are in the Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ABU Robocon) 2014, about the trajectory of the line on a robot that cannot be used as a reference point for the trajectory of the movement from the robot. If using the line as a reference and no field the entire area cannot be mapped, so that only part that there is a line of course that can be passed by a robot. Some method of tracking the path that is used will form new path when the robot out of the set so that the movement of the robot not appropriate. Many researchers has done research on a method of tracking the path on omnidirectional use to maintain control of robots to maintain in order to stay on track. Pure pursuit and bicycle path planning are other methods used path tracking. This paper the researchers did research on comparing the two method, there are pure pursuit path tracking and bicylce path planning. From both of these methods, methods bicycle path planning RMSE values to track the movement of the robot is smaller than the pure pursuit method. With the smallest RMSE value of the bicycle path planning methods at 2.59 cm and pure pursuit method 3.10 cm, while the largest of the methods bicycle path planning methods 7.9 cm and 7.57 cm pure pursuit.

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FLoW head: 7 DOF mechanism for FLoW humanoid

B. Setiawan, O. Giandi, D. Pramadihanto, R. S. Dewanto, S. Sukaridhoto, A. S. Khaillulah,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : Workspace, Humanoid Robot, FLoW, Parallel Manipulator, V-Rep

Humanoid robot has become popular research platforms in robotics and artificial intelligence. Humanoid robot can perform complex motions, including the balancing, walking, and kicking skills required in the RoboCup robot soccer competition. The humanoid robot from the Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS) research center named FLoW. This paper discusses about the FLoW head mechanism. Flow head mechanism is split into three parts there are eye mechanism, head mechanism and neck mechanism. The forward kinematic from FLoW head mechanism is obtained to generate workspace of motion. The FloW head workspace of motion is compared to human workspace of motion. From the experiment the motion of FLoW head already approached human easy head motion.

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FLoW: Achieve native multi threading support for embedded system through microkernel

A. Widianjaya, T. Pramudana, D. Pramadihanto, S. Sukaridhoto, A. S. Khalilullah,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : embedded system, multithreading, microkernel, real time operating system

Multithreading implementation through real time operating system was held in several years to optimize resource management in embedded system. Several side effects, such as large binary size and memory usage were appeared while implementing multithreading mechanism and its supporting mechanism. We developed FLoW to reduce those side effects while performing multithread in embedded system. FLoW implemented event based microkernel to minimize the environment and simplified the services. Static array implementation with reduced priority number was chosen rather than dynamic allocated to reduce platform memory usage in maintained scheduling performance in FLoW. The results show average performance of native multithreading supported by microkernel relative to existing real time operating system with lower side effects.

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A design of radio-controlled submarine modification for river water quality monitoring

S. Sukaridhoto, D. Pramadihanto, Taufiqurrahman, M. Alif, A. Yuwono, N. Funabiki,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2015

Keywords : Modification of radio-controlled submarine, river water quality monitoring, Internet of Underwater Things

In Indonesia, river water plays important roles in human life; for example, for transportation and economic activities of the inhabitants. However, industrial, agricultural and domestic water is discarded into rivers directly in many developing countries, since drainage systems have not been completely constructed. Water quality monitoring using radio-controlled submarine provide an opportunity to develop baseline monitoring system for river water ecosystem health indicator. We propose a design modification of radio-controlled submarine for river water quality monitoring. Our design consists of modification for navigation system by added external motor, IMU and GPS; modification of processing and control system by added micro controllers and mini pc, and modification of water sensors system.

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Computer Vision Based Analysis for Cursor Control Using Object Tracking and Color Detection

D. Firmanda, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2014

Keywords : Image processing, object tracking, segmentation, cursor

Camera (webcam) as one of computer equipment is getting more widely used and developed using image processing sensor cameras. In this research, made an application to control cursor movement using object tracking methods based colors by sensor camera. Object tracking is process to follow object position that you want. Objects will be tracking in this research is various objects. Basis of object tracking is segmentation process, that process is used separate objects with background or background only. To ease detecting object, will labeling process. Intent of labeling process to give limitations on things, so that existing objects in the image can be separated one from another. Object movement was interfacing with cursor movement. Results obtained from this research is object pixels that most effective to move cursor when pixel are detected 3200 pixels with error average that happens 0.35 at light intensity ±300 - 400 Lux.

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Beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor network performance

M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid, F. A. Saputra, Z. S. Hadi, A. Fahmi,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2013

Keywords : Wireless sensor network, beacon-enabled, CSMA/CA, topology

One application considered for IEEE 802.15.4 standard Low Rate-Wireless Personal Area Network (LR-WPAN) is wireless sensor network and control application that is centered on the performance of IEEE 802.15.4 standard for star and cluster topology. This study conduct performance comparison of beacon-enabled mode on star and cluster topology IEEE 802.15.4 standard by analyzing the result of throughput, delay, and energy consumption in order to get the maximum result to apply the appropriate topology model as needed. We conduct analysis on each topology model by using the numbers of nodes from 10 nodes to 100 nodes to analyze throughput, delay, energy consumption, and probability success packet. The simulation results show that the lifetime node and throughput of cluster topology are higher than that of star topology.

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Relation between eye movement and fatigue: Classification of morning and afternoon measurement based on Fuzzy rule

Z. Arief, D. Purwanto, D. Pramadihanto, T. Sato, K. Minato,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2009

Keywords : saccadic, fixation, fuzzy, eye movement, condition

This paper describes a simple method for classifying the condition of morning and afternoon measurement of eye movement based on the Fuzzy rule, the first step to find the relation between eye movement and fatigue. The eye movement is taken by camera and processed by computer. The left eye pupil center coordinates are used as eye movement data. These coordinates are extracted to obtain their features or parameters, which are saccadic latency, velocity, saccadic duration, and deviation. Extracted parameters from eye movement data become an input of the Fuzzy Identification System to classify the measurement time category, conducted either in the morning or the afternoon. Twenty-six visually normal students participate as subjects in this research. Their eye movement data are measured in the morning and in the afternoon after 9 hours of class. We also investigate whether the parameters can be used to distinguish the two conditions. The results of our experiments are assumed to be the system performance, and an accuracy of 86.54% is achieved. However, only the velocity and duration parameters show significant difference (p<0.05) between the two measurement times. This result reflects the fatigue in the ocular muscle which the two parameters mentioned above are directly affected.

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A comparative study of open source softwares for virtualization with streaming server applications

Sritrusta Sukaridhoto, Nobuo Funabiki, Toru Nakanishi, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2009

Keywords :

Currently, several streaming servers are available to provide a variety of multimedia applications such as VoD (Video-on-Demand), IP-phone, and IP-TV. As a result, the provision of multiple streaming servers on a single machine using the virtualization technology has become important in order to save the operational/management costs while enhancing the performance and the reliability of the system. In this paper, we show the performance evaluation of two representative open source softwares for the virtualization technology, Xen and OpenVZ, in various configurations of applications on three open source streaming servers, Red5, Darwin, and VLC. Our experimental results indicate that OpenVZ provides the better performance for streaming applications with Darwin and VLC whereas Red5 can run only on Xen.

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Face and facial feature extraction from color image

H. Wu, T. Yokoyama, D. Pramadihanto, M. Yachida,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 1996

Keywords :

This paper presents an automatic processing of human face from color images. The system works hierarchically from detecting the position of human face and its features (such as eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) to contours and feature points extraction. The position of human face and its parts are detected from the image by applying the integral projection method, which synthesize the color information (skin and hair color) and the edge information (intensity and sign). In order to extract the contour-line of face features we used a multiple active contour model with color information based energy terms. Facial feature points are decided based on the optimized contours. The proposed system is confirmed to be very effective and robust to deal with the image of faces in the complex background.

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Invariant face recognition by Gabor wavelets and neural network matching

D. Pramadihanto, H. Wu, M. Yachida,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 1996

Keywords :

This paper presents a model-based face recognition approach that uses a hierarchical Gabor wavelet representation and neural network matching. Local features of grey level images are extracted by multiresolutions of Gabor wavelets, which are scaled and rotated versions of each other. The Gabor wavelet representation is use in a innovative neural network matching approach that can provide robust recognition. Neural network matching between a model and a input image is to find out the exact correspondence of local features and to map the model to the input image based on local similarity and neighborhood grouping of local features. The results on face recognition are presented, where the objects undergo rotation, translation, local distortions, and deformation caused by facial expression.

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