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Zulhaydar Fairozal Akbar

NIP. 2000000251

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Making Short Movie using 3D Professional Camera

M. A. Akbar, H. Rante, F. A. Damastuti, D. Pramadihanto,

Publisher : IEEE
Tahun Publikasi : 2018

Keywords : short movie, 3D movie, 3D video, 3D professional camera

The use of 3D Professional Camera to create a 3D video is still rarely used due to the high price of the camera. Mostly, people produce 3D movies using two 2D cameras which are set precisely the same by arranging the camera one by one. Using the 3D camera makes the setting is much easier. The 3D Professional Camera provides convenience with the two lenses that have been connected so that the camera settings also become one. However, the technique of making movies using 3D Professional Camera needs to be studied furthermore. This paper presents the experiments to gain the optimum setting for 3D Professional Camera in making a short movie. The configuration will result the 3D effects on the movie.

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